Maxima Ultragreen Oneshot Mono Fishing Line
2 in stock
Maxima Ultragreen Oneshot Mono Fishing Line
Maxima Ultragreen fishing line is the original monofilament fishing line produced by maxima. Ultra green is soft and supple but maintains high durability and great for freshwater and saltwater fishing.
When fishing in rivers and water with low clarity, Maxima Ultragreen is virtually invisible to fish. In turn, that means more hookups for the angler! This premium line has the unique ability to match the colour of the surrounding water. Rays of light are absorbed rather than reflected presenting your lure or bait most naturally.
Maxima Ultragreen's line finish provides excellent abrasion resistance and unsurpassed knot strength. Ultagreen is fantastic for landbased anglers as it can withstand the harshest of conditions and situations you may face on the rocks, surf or rivers. You can expect superior performance and consistant high quality from Maxima Ultragreen.