Trelly's Fishing Report

Shepparton region channels
Due to the Goulburn running high at the moment the local channels have been popular with anglers around Shepparton. The Main eastern out around Karramomus has seen a few Redfin and the odd Yellowbelly getting caught on Scrubbies and small Bassman Spinnerbaits. Down around Murchison there are some alright numbers of Redfin getting caught in the Cattanach Channel around some of the bridges and drop bars. Small Soft plastics like the Bait Junkie 2.5" Minnows are a great choice if You’re chasing a few Redfin out of the Channels for the table.
Shepparton local lakes
Lake Victoria in Shepparton has slowed a bit but there are still a few reports of Trout getting caught on small soft plastics and Green powerbait. Redfin are going ok around the hill and along the back of Aquamoves. Near the new Art Museum has also been a good place to start if You’re hoping to land a few Redfin. Casting lures with a bit of flash and vibration are great to get the Redfin going but be sure to use single hooks or a weedless setup to stop getting hung up on the weed every second cast.
Waranga Basin
Waranga Basin is sitting at 75% and rising, giving the local Redfin population a bit of a boost with more feeding ground and plenty of food being washed in from the flooded edges. There have been a couple reports of some good Redfin being caught but we haven’t heard them completely fire up just yet. With the water rising it should only be a matter of time before Waranga starts fishing better. Casting soft vibes like Zerek Fish Traps around the points is a great way of getting onto some great fish, just don’t get bogged down in the one spot if it is slow. Make sure to move around and find where they are feeding hard. Trolling is a great way of finding where a good group of fish are holding before focussing your efforts on bait and casting to try and find some bigger fish amongst the school.
Lake Eildon
Lake Eildon was tough over the past week and there were plenty heading over there with the restrictions easing. Trout have been fishing alright with a few around 40cm getting caught around Big River, The Goulburn and Howqua arms. Trolling Tassie devils and small minnows works well but there are also a few getting caught casting minnows along the rocky banks. There have been some great Murray Cod caught over the past week on both baits and Lures. Surface lures have been the best way of targeting Cod lately, especially with the mostly overcast days we’ve been having. Big surface lures like Taylormade Walks on water and the Coddog paddlers have been the best with getting a bite from the large Cod which are most people's target at this time of year. Paul Thomas had another great trip at Eildon this week landing this Cod on a Kingfisher Abela Surface lure.
Murray River
The Murray river is flowing hard due to a huge amount of water being pumped down it from Yarrawonga. The fish don’t seem to mind with plenty of great Cod getting caught around Yarrawonga, Cobram and Bearii. Casting surface lures have been the best tactic with the Balista Tremor still being the standout lure for the river. Ensure to try and get your lure right in amongst the structure to work that first 5 metres really effectively. If the surface bite is slow or You’re fishing with a mate, it’s a good idea to have one fishing the surface and the other fishing with a spinnerbait or Mumbler like the Bassman Mumblers or Bassman DT's in case the fish are a bit shy on the day.
Mulwala is very dirty with a heap of water being pushed through to meet demands downstream but this hasn’t slowed the fishing down with plenty of big Cod still getting caught. Swimbaits, Soft plastics and Large crankbaits are all good options as long as they have a nice solid profile. If you want more presence in the dirty water look to use darker lures as they will create a larger shadow and profile which can help draw in those larger fish. Ben has been landing some great Cod from Mulwala recently including this great looking fish.
Hume Weir
We haven’t seen as many good reports of Redfin from Hume Weir over the past week, but are still seeing good numbers of Trout getting caught while trolling Tassie Devils and Minnows. The Trout have been getting caught in most sections of the Weir including near the wall and around Bowna. There hasn’t been one depth that has proven more successful than others so it is worth trying a couple different tactics to sit your lures at different levels in the water column to find out where the majority of Trout are sitting on the day You’re there. Chris Caught this 50cm Trout around the Bowna area on a soft plastic while targeting Redfin.
Loddon River
The loddon river is rising as they let water out from Cairn Curran as well as Laanecoorie. Below both spillways are definitely worth a look for the keen bait fisher. Whilst the water is pushing rather hard it's worth trying your luck with a big scrub worm, or Trellys Special chicken. This is a very effective way to target the big cod or big yellow belly at this time of year. Local fisher Louise was able to get herself a lovely cod at 57cm.
For the keen lure fisher whilst the river is still dirty the cod aren't scared to hit spinnerbaits or a well presented hard body. Pro staffer Bryce was able to get out over the weekend and landed himself a couple of nice cod on SpinWright Spinnerbaits now stocked at our Bendigo store!
Campaspe River
They’re currently letting a flow go down the river at the present time however as soon as the water settles it will come to life with some big Cod and Yellowbelly set to be caught. Try using scrub worms in a fast slowing pool with a light sinker to be in with a good chance of a yellow belly, if cod is more your target species then try using Trellys Special Chicken or a nice big yabbie stocked at Trellys stores! Lure fishing has been a little slow with the current rain affecting the water quality as well as the flow that has been let go. But bright colour lures seem to be doing some damage, such as your fire tiger colour in the SpinWright. The Grunta’s (Chatterbaits) in 5/8oz have been the most effective as they’re able to give out a strong vibration throughout the water. Surface fishing this time of year is also very effective first thing in the morning or in the late afternoon, with the big stuff really coming into a world of its own. RTBroughton Lures are worth a look, hand made from timber these lures are sure to catch some big fish!
Lake Eppalock
Lake Eppalock is filling, FAST. It has gone up almost 10% over the past week which looks like it will make way for a very exciting and productive spring for the Yellow Belly and Reddies. Currently with the rising water levels the water has dirtied up rather considerably but there are still a few fish being caught around the lake. Bait fishing around the trees has been going well for the odd yellow belly. The best baits are scrub worms or peeled yabbie tails. For the keen lure fisher it is worth trying to bounce black grubs around the trees this can be a great way to get some yellow belly. Try trolling around 25ft-30ft with a Australian crafted 50mm 30ft depth with a rubber plastic a meter above for a great chance of finding a good school of redfin.
Cairn Curran
The lake has been pretty quiet at the present time, with only a few reports coming through of some redfin being caught as well as the odd yellow belly or trout. Trout have been caught while bank fishing using powerbait. The standout powerbait is chartreuse at the moment. Redfin have been caught flicking plastics around the grassy banks that the water has now covered. The Yellow belly can also be targeted using TN60s in the lake HL black seems to be the colour of choice here and is also worked best along the rock walls or around the grassy banks, Redfin will also hit these small vibes. Bait fishing with scrubbies is also a great way to try to get some numbers of fish.
Bendigo’s Family Friendly fishing Lakes
In Crusoe There are some trout still being caught, small tassie devils are working best early mornings. If bait fishing is more your thing try using powerbait and a small hook, the rainbows find this hard to resist. Worms also are a good options, with the odd yellow belly and tench popping up.
At Kennington the Reddies are showing up in some better numbers over the last week. Small minnow style lures are working great, so are soft plastics. Daiwa bait junkies are currently running a deal where you buy 3 packets and you’ll get the fourth free. The odd trout are still around the lake, small tassies are seeing these fish being caught as well as Strike tiger nymphs. Bait fishing with powerbait is still a must.
Lures are still hard in Forrest Fields but with a worm or powerbait you can find some good fish. Plenty of trout are taking a liking for powerbait. Otherwise Redfin are falling victim to a nice fresh worm stocked at your trellys store.
In Tom Thumb there is still plenty of fun to be had on the carp around the lake. Try using a small hook and a light sinker with a bit of corn.
Corio Bay
Once again the Garfish have been on fire inside the bay with St Helens producing as many as you want! Fishing pretty much any tide and any time of the day have been fishing well, the trick is to get a good solid burley trail out with tiny pieces of bait suspended under a pencil float. St helens is the current hot spot but there are still plenty of other locations that are fishing well like Lineburners and the Grammar School Lagoon. With a few weeks of windy conditions it has really fired up the rock fishing inside the bay as of late with quality fish being caught with St Helens yet again being the hot spot. Pinkie Snapper have been reported to be in good numbers off the rocks with fish reaching over 2kg in weight with anglers saying they have been missing out on some much bigger ones too. Cunningham Pier has had a small run of silver whiting cruising up and down the jetty over the past week and typically when we see them show up the snapper aren’t too far behind.
Queenscliff has been fishing well for Calamari over the past week also with the bight starting to produce some big specimens. Drifting through the deep water on slack tide with Silver Whiting on a squid spike working best. Ideally you want to fish in clean water so after the last few days of windy conditions could add some colour to it but when it passes it should be fishing well.
Surf Coast surf beaches
The Surf beaches along the coast have had a few reports of Australian Salmon coming on the chew for anglers shore casting with metal lures. Along the great ocean road the rock platforms are another prime location to go and have a cast. Bait fishing is also an effective method to pick up a few fish too. Dylan from Trelly’s Laverton got onto a few nice Salmon in the surf this week.
Wurdi Buloc Reservoir
Wurdi Buloc Reservoir has been fishing quite well over the week with Trout and Redfin. Trout to 3lb have been in respectable numbers casting off the rocks, casting shallow diving hardbodies in minnow profile like the Rapala minnows have been a prime lure to throw around for one. Redfin have also been biting well along there too with spoon lures working best.
Lake Purrumbete
Mick from Victorian Inland charters sent us a great update of how Purrumbete is fishing at the moment.
“Hey guys quick report from the weekend at Purrumbete, The weather was pretty average but still got out on the water for a couple of sessions. Chinook salmon are on the chew, I found a decent school in around 23m depth and a running sinker rig with pilchard fillets as bait seen around 25 fish boated for the session with a nice bag of 5 salmon kept for a feed up to 50cm/1.5kg. Redfin are also still in good numbers you just have to keep moving until you find a school willing to eat. Depths of 15-23m with live minnow as bait or soft plastics in 3in minnow style in colours like motor oil or natural colours with some gold fleck getting a look at.”
If You’re ever wanting to learn how to fish the Crater lakes as well as other inland lakes like Eildon be sure to give Mick from Victorian Inland Charters a call on 0402 347 515 or look them up on Facebook.