Trelly's Fishing Report

Fishing while in the Victoria’s Circuit Breaker Lockdown
The following has been taken from the Coronavirus Website in regards to the Current Lockdown.
"Recreational fishing and boating are permitted as long as it doesn't require use of a facility (the opening of a closed jetty or pier) and within 5km of your home for up to 2 hours once per day, and with members of your household or 1 other person."
Waranga Basin
There have been a few locals from Rushworth making use of Waranga Basin being within their 5km range. With a few nice Redfin and some good numbers of Crayfish Getting Caught out of the Basin within the last week. Redfin have been getting caught while trolling small lures like RMG Poltergeists and 55mm Codgers with a soft plastic running above the lure on a paternoster style set-up. There have been good Crayfish getting caught in some sections of the basin with a few people filling their bags and taking home a good feed of keepers for the table.
Lake Victoria Shepparton
There have still been some good Trout getting caught in the Shepp lake on soft plastics like the Strike Tiger Nymph, Tassie devils and powerbait or worms fished under a float. The best sections of the lake to try for the stocked Trout are around the Rowing Club, near the hill and up the North end of the lake near the playground. If targeting Redfin there have been a few caught near the playground on 3” Keitech Easy Shiners fished with a beetle spin or chatterbait blade rig like the Decoy Zero Dan Flash. Stuart caught this stonker measuring 56cm while casting a Green Tassie devil at Shepp lake Wednesday.
Hume Dam
Hume is fishing great still with plenty of big Trout and good numbers of Redfin still going nuts. Redfin have been getting caught in most sections of the lake with areas like Tallangatta. Trout have been getting caught on Tassie Devils and small minnows in a few areas around the dam including Bowna, Ebden and Bellbridge. Sean caught this monster Trout measuring 70cm while trolling in the Bowna area over the weekend.
Lake Eildon
Lake Eildon has seen some good Cod and Trout getting caught by those close enough to fish the Lake. Trout have been getting caught mostly on Pink and Orange Tassie Devils while trolled along the edges. We’ve seen some nice Trout to around 50cm getting caught over the past week. Murray Cod have been tough but there are a few getting caught by the lure fishos while casting soft plastics like Magdrafts amongst schools of bait like Redfin and Roach. Allan Caught this nice Cod while casting lures at Eildon last week.