Trelly's Fishing Report

Indented Heads
Point Richards though to Indented Heads saw excellent numbers of whiting devouring pippie as bait. Finding a patch of sand in five to six meters of water not far from a weed or reef patch was ideal with anglers fishing late afternoon / evening boating the best bags. Some thumping big flathead were also taken as a by catch. Snapper to 6kg did hang about along the Point Richards channel but persistence was needed. The reefs dotted along Indented Heads made for fun squid fishing using size three artificial jigs. Bag limit captures were possible when the wind backed off.St Leoanrds
St Leonards Pier was a great land based squid option with casting jigs of a night near the pier lights most productive. The ever reliable Bourke St was still a hot spot for King George whiting to 44cm.Queenscliff
Over at Queenscliff the Harbour was fishing well for Silver Trevally, Australian Salmon and at the entrance had some great land based whiting. A paternoster rig with pippie or squid worked best on all species mentioned above with a slower running tide the best time to fish. Outside the Harbour, plenty of anglers tried their luck on the Kingfish. Trolling white occy skirts with a strip of squid was productive but knife jigging saw the biggest fish taken to over 8kg in weight. Just remember to adhere to all safety regulations in the RIP and keep clear of big ships.Barwon Heads
Outside the Heads and down towards Barwon Heads the Kingfish did erupt on the surface amongst the Australian Salmon. Casting soft plastics like gulp 7” Jerk Shads worked well when allowed to sink below the salmon. Trolling in close to Ocean Grove again with occy skirts also resulted in kingfish. Some impressive snapper and gummy shark are still available offshore in thirty meters of water with fresh Australian Salmon the number one bait.Barwon Estuary
Inside the Barwon Estuary small model Australian Salmon, whiting and silver trevally were picking up baits. All along the sheep wash was an ideal location with a run in tide preferable.Port Fairy
Heading west to Port Fairy and anglers tangle with Bluefin tuna. Although not always easy to catch, eventually they did switch on. Small skirted lures did the job.Lake Bullen Merri
On the freshwater front Lake Bullen Merri was hit and miss but when it was on anglers boated numerous Chinook Salmon to over 10lb. Trolling Tassie devils or hardbody lures down deep with the aid of a down rigger was most effective. Reaching depths of 40ft was were most fish seem to hold. Trelly's Geelong Chris & Kevin along with John from Osaka tackle boated one nice chinook salmon. Fishing with pilcahrd fillets dropped down 30 to 40 feet

Lake Purrumbete
Lake Purrumbete was consistent for brown trout along with rainbow and redfin. The east bank and the section just out from the boat ramp gave up fish to those casting hard body lures such as Daiwa double clutches.Barwon River
Closer to home the Barwon River is fishing well for Redfin right along from Breakwater to Queenspark. Small hard body lures and soft plastics are working a treat. The hot weather should really fire up the larger model redfin too. Also there are plenty of carp cruising around keen on engulfing corn on a running sinker rig.Central Victoria
With the current heat wave, it’s a great time to be near the water. Waranga Basin is still producing plenty of Redfin, trolling small deep divers has resulted in some cases, 2 fish on the same lure on multiple occasions, once the school are located, soft plastics, ice jigs and bobbing worms and yabbies the best method. Colby and Sam have been smashing the fish at Lake Nillahcootie, Cod, Yellowbelly and Redfin on lures and bait. The Goulburn around Shepparton is a little hit and miss, bait fishing with Bardi Grubs and Scrub worms the best method with most fish being under size or Trout Cod, patience will get you a keeper size Cod. The Murray River around Berri is still fishing well, shop Regular Greg was fishing with his son, Sonny (pic), catching his first ever Cod off the surface, smashing his lure just 2 meters from the boat, Greg says "I can’t believe how calm Sonny was, he just grabbed the rod with both hands, lent back and cranked it in", the result was a hefty 72cm. Lake Mulwala is fishing well with plenty of big Cod about, Jackall Gantrals and Koolabung Codcrackers working well.
Next Week
Next week those looking to wet a line keep St Leonards pier in mind for a squid of a night a great option on the hot nights. Kingfish should keep holding in the RIP and off shore. Freshwater anglers keep an eye on Lake Bullen Merri.