Trellys Fishing Report

Trellys Fishing Report

Offshore Barwon Heads

The king fish across the coast these past few weeks have been nothing short of spectacular with lots of reports coming through with a large number of fish over 1 metre being landed. Anglers using knife jigs have been finding lots of success as well as live bait, especially if you are chasing that monster fish.  Fish are also being spotted on the surface and anglers casting topwater lures (poppers and stickabits) have been accounting for plenty of kings. The back of Charlemont reef and towards Torquay have been holding lots of kings between 15 – 25m of water. Bluefin tuna have been a little slower this past week but that could be due to majority of the boats now chasing kingfish and not hearing as many reports. Trolling first light has been producing most of the fish, skited lures behind a spreader bar and diving lures have all been hot favourites. During the afternoon the fish are often seen cruising on the surface, casting stickbaits and poppers into the fish are getting plenty of bites


Corio bay

Inside Corio Bay is holding a variety of species with the spoil grounds being the zones where most of them are hiding. Pinky Snapper to 3kg, king George whiting, flathead, salmon and snook are all about and biting well. Anglers casting soft plastics on the drift are picking up plenty of fish, bait fishos are also picking up plenty.


St Leonards

Out of St Leonards the gummy sharks are making their presence known out in the deep water with anglers picking them up on the tide change with fresh baits such as salmon and squid. Fishing a tide change definitely helps gets those bites, plenty of fish around 10kg but they’re a few fish over 15kg so be prepared as you may tangle with a monster!  King George whiting remain on the chew in closer also with anglers picking up large numbers of fish with pipis and squid yet again being the standout baits.


West Barwon and Stoney Creek Reservoir

West Barwon Reservoir has been fishing very well these past few weeks also with Brown trout on the chew along the main rock wall. Anglers casting spoon lures and Tassie devils have been picking up fish to over 3lb. Stoney Creek reservoir is still holding lots of redfin to keep anglers amused at the moment and yet again casting soft plastics have been a standout.


Goulburn River


With school holidays now over the reports have slowed up a little in the Goulburn. But those who still managed to sneak out for a fish this week did have some success. The usual spots like Murchison, Toolamba, moira park and rafteries all featured in the reports we received. Bait fishing still seems to be a great way to target cod with Trellys chicken baits and Bardi Grubs working best. Casting a single willow Spinnerbait such as the Old Mates or Bassmans has also been reported plenty of times this week from those casting lures from both the bank and boat. Trolling size 2 stumpjumpers was also a great way to target both cod be Yellowbelly this past week especially round Murchison. The upper Goulburn upstream of seymour has still been fishing well for trout with small Rapala's, spinners and soft plastics working well on the trout.  Some reports of 10/12 fish in a session hasn't been uncommon. Bait fishing has also been a success with floating worms and powerbaits working well. 





Broken River 


The reports have been consistently good for the broken river lately especially the top water bite. Just like last week we have been receiving regular reports of a great top water bite. Downstream of the Archer St bridge down to the junction has been a stand out area this week. It’s a stretch of river that doesn’t see as much fishing pressure. Balista hunchbacks have been an outstanding lure this week with the most reports coming from those casting these.  If you're into bait fishing you won’t be disappointed with both Yellowbelly and cod chewing down baits. Scrub worms and shrimp seem to be the best Yellowbelly baits with Yabbies and cheese best for cod. 



Lake Eildon


Just like last week there has been some big fish caught out of eildon. These monster cod have been caught on both lures and bait. Those Casting the Baitsanity Glidebaits and Biwaa Kapsiz 9s have had some success in low light periods with the Bassman Walk Walker also working well off the top. Trolling size 1 stumpjumpers has been a method that has worked for those chasing cod on the troll with up to 80cms reported via this method. Redfin have been active on the edges for those bait fishing off the bank with worms. Casting beetle spin rigged plastics around the flooded shrubs has also resulted in plenty of Redfin captures. Yellowbelly have still been reported both in the trees bobbing yabbies or slow rolling black gulps up the trunks. Another way to target Yellowbelly has been to fish points rolling tn70 jackals and zx40 blades